Yuna stepped out of the chamber of the faith, exhausted from her trials and her mental strain. She was so disoriented, but so eager to show her accomplishment to her friends and family, she missed the stairs and her foot shot down past three of them, before landing painfully on one of them.

Something caught her before her head hit the stairs and her skull cracked open on them. She sat there, letting her vision settle and she wondered where she was.

Something… fuzzy. It was Kimahri. She’d forgotten about him.

He was a constant protector of her and Seymour, he’d been with them for years, but to her, she was like a parent… a soft, furred one.

"I did it… I’m a summoner," Yuna said as Kimahri helped her to her feet and lead her down the stairs.

"What’s—" someone asked, but Wakka silenced him.

"Here, I’ll show you," Yuna said, walking by herself, but the room kept spinning. "After… I have a glass of water."

Outside, the whole village was gathered as they watched their precious Yuna perform her first summoning. The ground under her began to glow and form lines and circles. The circle spun at her feet, and she waved her staff.

From nowhere, that anyone could see at least, a giant bird shot up into the sky, the made a u-turn, flying straight at Yuna, miraculously stopping just before hitting her.

It may have been dead, it may have been gigantic and like nothing natural, but Yuna petted its head, looking for its ears to scratch.

The crowd exclaimed many things in amazement, but what caught her attention was a voice she’d never heard before saying ‘Whoah… it’s… pink.’

She was soon swarmed by praise and laughter and questions, it was after the bright tropical sun had set that she finally got to truly meet the stranger, though the rest of the village didn’t seem to think it was such a good idea.

"I’m sorry, they were being so rude," Yuna said, staring at the ground. "I heard you rushed in to see if I was alright."

"Uh… yeah, that’s okay, I got too close to sin and that thing you did, or made, or whatever was really cool, and Wakka told me what a summoner is, and he wants me to join the team and—Let me start over, I’m Tidus," he said, putting out his hand to shake hers. "Oh, wait, that’s not what you do, is it? It’s that arm thing—uh… Sin… y’know."

"You’re pretty silly," Yuna said.

"I get that a lot, even without sin… at least I think I do," he said.

"You said Wakka was taking you with him in the team, that means you’ll be with us on my pilgrimage."

"Oh, hey, yeah, I’d love to help out… as long as it doesn’t require thinking—I mean I’m pretty smart, but this whole place is kinda weird—I mean after Sin’s toxin and…I’ll shut up now."

"You seem so confident," Yuna said. "Not even my guardians are this confident about my pilgrimage."

"Why are they coming with you, then?"

"Because… they’re my friends."

"Some friends… I mean, no offense, but why wouldn’t friends think this is a good idea, I mean it’ll get rid of Sin, right?"

"It’s because of why I’m doing it."

"Money?" Tidus asked, and Yuna giggled. "Hey, even if you were being paid, getting rid of Sin’s a pretty cool thing to shoot for, so what’s the problem?"

"I’m doing it so I can find my friend… Seymour. He left two years ago to defeat Sin and I haven’t seen him again. But he hasn’t defeated Sin… so there might still be a chance."

"He al behd by any chance?" Tidus asked.

"No, he’s half guado."

"I don’t know what that is—I forgot what it is—I, you know."

"Yuna," Lulu called over to her. "Yuna, it’s late."

"I’m sorry," Yuna said. "I have to rest up. It’s a been a long day and we leave tomorrow. I’ll see you on the boat."

"…Kay." Tidus said, as she turned and walked to her hut. Soon, Wakka was yelling at him to turn in too. Tidus stood there for a bit and wondered at Yuna, then at why everyone thought he was so dumb when they never told him everything.
