Queen Brahne(mother), Father (deceased), Cid Fabool IX (Uncle), Hilda Garde Fabool(Aunt)
Background Info
SPOILER ALERT: A princess, heir to the Alexandrian Kingdom. Said to be the most beautiful Princess in the Alexandrian history, but actually she is a summoner from Madain Sari - a lost village of summoners. When Madain Sari was destroyed, she and her mother escaped with a boat to the Alexandrian Kingdom. At the same time, the real Princess Garnet of Alexandria died. When the king and Queen Brahne found "the other Garnet" they decided to raise her as Princess Garnet and treat her like their own daughter (the Alexandrian people didn't know that the real Garnet has died). She has a special ability to summon Eidolons (sacred beasts/GF), knowing this Kuja manipulated her mother, Brahne to take Garnet's summoning power and uses it for her own.