992436536 - Oekaki Hentai Art 2

tendou (13-6-2001, 8:49:59):
I aim at the thing which is not a pro's artist and which a deer is carried out and is become a cartoonist now which replies to a question now.

E! (13-6-2001, 14:57:4, Email, Website):
Ooooooo, Sakura! Very cool tendou, your tentacle pictures ROCK! Hope you do a JyNx pic, just not a tentacle one of course, that would be so cool...[!]....sorry....sorry.... >_<

SkEtcH! (13-6-2001, 15:30:5, Email):
Your pics define the word ''Hentai'' =D*
*bows*You kick assss! ^ ; ^