999935274 - Oekaki Hentai Art 5

stumbleine (8-9-2001, 3:50:40, Email, Website):
Much cleaner than yesterday's mess. Third page of the Project 's' doujinshi. Hentai comming very soon. >:)

SkEtcH! (8-9-2001, 4:3:8):
Whoa stumble...i cant wait for the Hardcore scene!! that chicks HOT!Kinda looks like storm in a way hehe,keep it up =B

Magic Flying Utter (8-9-2001, 15:21:26):
I don't think Amuro or "red" would be like that
with the facial express heh cool tho

That Other Guy (9-9-2001, 21:35:25):
I for one cannot wait for more of this. Isn't it tedious to draw so many pictures at nce though?

stumbleine (14-9-2001, 5:50:7,