Tashii (5-1-2003, 15:29:24): EVA-Boob syndrome. *nods* That, and my mouse wouldn't cooperate. =D
RoseEchidna (6-1-2003, 8:42:34): Sis, this ain't that bad, compared to mine. o_O; Eva-boob syndrome, eh? Tsk tsk..oo;...Poor Rei. Good job, and Brian's staring. ;p *Wave*
D Mad One (6-1-2003, 9:43:10, Email): Hey, this actually looks better than what I could dish out. Speaking of which... I will definitely try to add to the archive again soon. Only time will tell...
Tashii (7-1-2003, 1:17:49): That's okay Rosah, we all know Brutally Honest Man's been spanked by his mother and whacking off to squealing Nuns too often to appreciate good art of any kind. ;P