Skeletor (18-2-2003, 13:55:14): Behold, I am the master of the mouse oekaki! Mohahahahahahahahahargh! You weak, pathetic fools, I´ve come for your souls! Especially yours, He-Man, especially yours...
He-Man Master of the Universe (18-2-2003, 20:47:40): I'll wait for you in the regular section Skeletor!!
Muhaahaha Muhaahaahahaha!!!!! "I have the Power"
TheRedAndVenomousMonster (19-2-2003, 5:29:26): you are somewhat of good at drawing, skeletor you sound like a little kid...(?)
He-Man Master of the Universe (19-2-2003, 11:37:46): Little kiddy skeletor drawing nasty stuff ;)
Skeletor (19-2-2003, 12:9:2): Sound like a kid, do I?, mr."somewhat of good at drawing"! You are merely venomous, while I am evil inca