988348017 - Oekaki Art 2

SkEtcH!! (27-4-2001, 1:9:2, Email):
Wow,i've never known this ever exist in the cg shrines! *drool drool* ^;^'

Armaron (27-4-2001, 2:23:55):
Only existed here for the last 2 or so weeks, dude. Nice nurse chick by the way. That needle is worrysome though...

Oscar Mej�a (27-4-2001, 4:7:42):
i wouldn't mind getting a needle from her

Nacrisa (28-4-2001, 7:43:40):
It's a nice picture, but my main gripe would have to be that the neck is a bit thick.

SkEtcH! (30-4-2001, 17:18:41, Email):
Hey guys cut her sum slack! -;- ,...she's on the tae-bo tapes....she'll ''unthicken''soon enuff (lol)