989705617 - Oekaki Art 3

-[ a l y s ]- (12-5-2001, 18:17:12, Email):
for: MK ^o^ and all my fellow grouboarders (@_@)
ah crap, wasnt watching that chin when i was fixing the (crappy) backround >_< sorrie

weee...belldandy profile!

coming up next: urd \^o^/

SkEtcH! (12-5-2001, 18:39:8, Email):
Two words ALys...Breath-Taking ^ ; ^
keep up the FANTASTIC WORK!!!

Raiko (12-5-2001, 19:51:36, Email):
Daaayaamn. Nice.

Armaron (12-5-2001, 20:56:22):
Holey Faeces!!!!

You done it again. and from now on I dont want you saying you cant draw or I get