990730676 - Oekaki Art 4

Jason Rodriguez (24-5-2001, 15:0:9, Email):
um.. this is somethign i did really quick like 5 minutes or something i just always wanted to summit one of my own characters into a website i just don't have a scanner and i'm poor (sadness) this is a character named Jay.. he's mine.. he's got his eyes all squinty just like clint eastwood before he get's intoa fight tell what you think of it.. i would really appreciate it thanks for looking at my crappy sketch Jason

Armaron (24-5-2001, 21:50:41):
heh, you talk like Blur from Transformers.

Jason Rodriguez (27-5-2001, 1:56:44, Email):
yeah i do don't I.. heh hehe.. what?? oh yeah