Steve DeJohn (4-7-2001, 21:57:26, Email): I drew this because it means something. It may not look like it does, but deeper inside, the greatest gift ever is there. Jesus died on a cross to save our souls...this picture is for him.
daily show guy (5-7-2001, 1:56:14): HUA HUAA
sean pratt (5-7-2001, 2:12:42, Website): what gift of the lord is not worth a quarter?
I drew this because it means something. It may not look like it does, but deeper inside, the greatest gift ever is there. Jesus died on a cross to save our souls...this picture is for him.
daily show guy (5-7-2001, 1:56:14):
sean pratt (5-7-2001, 2:12:42, Website):
what gift of the lord is not worth a quarter?