994348890 - Oekaki Art 8

Gloomy (5-7-2001, 12:4:50, Website):
waaah^^ was such a cool day today^^ we got more than 30� ^__^ i was sitting at the cocktail bar thats near the alster (a lake in the center of my town^^) the hole with my new sexy black bikini^__^ they make the best long island ice teas there^^ so very hot greetings from germany/hamburg ^____^

MK (5-7-2001, 17:28:39):
Yeah, it's the same over the border in Groningen, Netherlands. 30 and higher. Niiice. But not good weather to work in. Z_Z Nice art! I need a drink. :)

Gloomy (6-7-2001, 2:46:4):
*givesMKalongislandicetea* cheers! ^__^ uah we got 8 am and already 27� =_=' little bit to hot for me^^'