994992642 - Oekaki Art 9

Hikaru (12-7-2001, 22:53:21):
Hey all I hope you like my kitty-girl... took me like an hour lol^_^ kinda pathetic considering the shabbyness of the design! yes that is hair coming out of her ears if you are wondering k^_^lol tell me what ya think of it k... be brutal!^_~

(hope)northstar618 (13-7-2001, 11:21:6, Email):
It's cute....keep drawing. You'll only get better.

chrissy (13-7-2001, 13:29:54):
aw, I think it's cool lookin'. jus' keep practicing and btw i like your style!

Hikaru (13-7-2001, 22:40:51):
Hey thanks^_^ possitive comments are always helpful lol^_~...the arms are a little short though now that i look... I can't wait to mess around with the other things on