996058086 - Oekaki Art 11

cody (25-7-2001, 6:53:24):
this is not meant to annoy or anything, this is the TRUE ME where i actually like killing things! here i am getting revenge on ryu for burning a cross formation scar on sagat's chest. i don't know what the future holds for my life so this is the only amusement i can get out of it. yeah, as i said, this is the true me, not a trolling thing or whatnot.

chrissy (25-7-2001, 16:11:42):
LOL Reptile has that "I didn't do it expression"

SkEtcH! (25-7-2001, 16:30:15):
Yeah chrissy..cody has that expression on his face all the damn time....in oscars words....SCREW YOU CODY~!
Ps..ryu would take reptile down any damn given day o.O'

Oscar (26-7-2001, 1:19:45):
i just wanted to say somethi