998035604 - Oekaki Art 13

stumbleine (17-8-2001, 4:8:24, Email, Website):
My first doodle here.^^ This goes to MK-san for showing me this site. Thanks, dude!

Ms. K (17-8-2001, 5:29:8):
Ooo...pretty hair style and if you rocked this out with a mouse - More power to ya... Even so..I like very nice indeed.

stumbleine (17-8-2001, 6:16:40, Email, Website):
With my tablet, actually. ^^; Thanks!

Ghost (17-8-2001, 6:36:40):

MK (17-8-2001, 8:33:30):
Very nice, Stumbleine! Thank you. :)

Adrian (17