Sandy (30-9-2001, 18:55:22, Email, Website): This pic is for the ppl who are in the pic. ^^ (In order words, that's Stubmle, Sketch and Hope :P) These 3 ppl are the first online artists friends I've made and they are all really really nice and fun to talk to ^^ Well, friends 4 ever~ I luv you all! X3
Hope (30-9-2001, 19:41:34): She looks like me......curly brown hair.....brown eyes.....everything!!! AWWWWW SANDYYY!! HUGS!!!
SkEtcH (1-10-2001, 3:4:56): Verrrrrryyy funnnny sandy..u.u*; lol cute pic =B*HUgglez all the girls*neeeheheheehehehe!
Hope (1-10-2001, 8:29:28): Hugz Sketch back......then wipes out he