chrissy (30-9-2001, 19:38:36, Email): Suu from Clover.. Drawn with my own created outfit and wings ^.^ She looks like stained-glass..
Ghost (30-9-2001, 20:45:20): wow this is good:oP your using the antialias to much tho
chrissy (30-9-2001, 21:37:33): but i like antialias ;-;
Ghost (30-9-2001, 23:45:22): your using it to much:p and take the time to work ok more stuff
Hope (1-10-2001, 8:33:37): you did really well on her face and head but I think you got carried away wih the lines....otherwise.....GOOD PIC!!! I also thinak that you should fill it in black before you blur you don't have that white stuff on the outsides of your cute pics........just a suggesti