1010260745 - Oekaki Art 23

Maria (5-1-2002, 15:17:44, Website):
Hey this is you again, great and like better as you first pic bottom, can you please comment on my pic bottom next to this pic, maybe you will tell what you feel from my pic, ok?

Maria (5-1-2002, 16:53:8, Website):
oops, I dont remind that she is LuLu from FFX, actual I do never played FFX, but I know her, great with the "breast" and magic...

DraygonZero (6-1-2002, 0:33:8):
Oh, I didn't know this pic went through... My computer freaked out as I was saving this pic... I was pissed, so I didn't come back to the page.

S. Fresh (6-1-2002, 10:55:47,
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