chrissy (13-2-2002, 15:40:11, Email): I don't know if any of you guys remember me. :o But here I am!
chrissy (13-2-2002, 15:41:42): the pictures not of me, just saying as in 'i've returned' not that i'm here
Digi-girl (13-2-2002, 19:8:11, Email, Website): I wouldn't know you, because I'm fairly new ^-^' but I love how you do eyes :) pweez teach me in paint chat some day, Pweezesness?
squonjon (14-2-2002, 9:16:55): yay! i remember you. i like you're style. quite utena-esque
squonjon (14-2-2002, 9:17:24): by you're i meant your. i'm