1015060310 - Oekaki Art 24

jBINGO (2-3-2002, 4:13:44, Email):
Ya know ya might as well spend an hour on the foreground and 15 minutes on the background rather than the other way around ya know? Learn from my mistakes.

Anders (andi) (2-3-2002, 4:56:38):
The perspective on the house in the bakground looks kinda wrong to me. but hey. what do i know? :) but in all a real good lookin image :)

jBINGO (3-3-2002, 1:7:30, Email):
HAHA!!! Very perceptive! You know why that is though right? You son of a.....(just kidding) It's because I cycled the windows on the right hand side instead of using perspective. It comes from only having a mouse and not a tablet. And it saved
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