LINDSEY (26-3-2002, 22:3:35): Child pic of Alius (I don't know why I call them CHILD instead of CHIBI.Oh well. :) I was saving this one and an error thingy came up so I did another one (It just ended up in here anyway!) SORRY for taking up some space!!! If you would, tell me how I should do my next pic (If the same errer thingy happens again, I won't draw another one. THANKIES.
Jade (28-3-2002, 4:17:25): Using a mouse to watercolour can be hard and it's easy to end up with the colours too dark or too light. But if you turn up the opacity on a brush a bit, and make the brush size larger, then you only have to do one or two strokes to get the shading you want, and you're less likely to over-do it (watercolours in oekaki tend to come out really weird when you go o