LINDSEY (20-4-2002, 1:54:54): A pic of Umi receiving her armor. It took a while to do but I guess it turned out o.k. Comments?
Jade (20-4-2002, 2:15:1, Email): That pic is awesome!!!! ^____^ How can you just call it 'okay' ? ^_^ You've got great drawing skills, and you're getting better all the time....o_o
Jade (20-4-2002, 2:20:52, Email): That pic is awesome!!!! ^____^ How can you just call it 'okay' ? ^_^ You've got great drawing skills, and you're getting better all the time....o_o
kyllir (20-4-2002, 2:21:30, Email, Website): dude! ^_^ i swear, yo