1020726317 - Oekaki Art 28

gourry (6-5-2002, 19:7:45):
the succubus morrigan

EDPTgirl (6-5-2002, 20:24:14, Email):
COOL PIC!!! You did an amazing job on the eyes, that's like...the best part! ^__^ for goodness sakes, keep drawing!

Oscar (7-5-2002, 3:32:47):
yay!!! we need more morrigan art around here :D

LINDSEY (7-5-2002, 12:31:41):
My fav. capcom character is Morrigan, and you dod a great job!

nara (17-5-2002, 0:27:26):
Decent shading/coloring/ and hell, drawing as well^^ Did you use a ref pic/?

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