LINDSEY (17-5-2002, 20:35:0): Just decided to draw a funny pic of Noa and Pixie. Comments?
Danie C. S. aka cheesecube freak (17-5-2002, 23:49:55, Email): Yo, luv the pic. Who r the peeps in it? W/e.... It's so cute!! Ciao, homie-g!
dcs (18-5-2002, 0:2:4): wait, i thot u were...... oh, i don't know u, sorry. i thot my friend did this........ whoops!!!! that goes 4 anything else i reviewed
Anders... (18-5-2002, 9:41:54, Email, Website): hihi i luve it :)
SinisterVin (19-5-2002, 0:6:52, Email): wow s