DragonLord (18-5-2002, 12:43:39, Email): my first picture on any board, didnt turn out quite how i intended
EDPTgirl (19-5-2002, 12:59:20): *gets insanely amused look on face* Oh, no! The eagle is being possesed by a radioactive and especially yellowy hi-liter! *gasp*
...j/k...very cool for your first pic, louis, especially since you didn't know how to switch from freeline to straight line...k, i'll just...end that thought.
Anyway, remember, practice makes perfect. keep up the good work (that is, if you're not so totally unable to spend your time on this because there's something MUCH more important to do...)and just a reminder: don't forget ur linoleum for art class!!! ...toodles