kyllir (2-6-2002, 2:32:41, Email, Website): Gohan Kitty!!! I had fun doing this one ^_^ it took forever to outline him! my mouse was being evil and skipping all over the place! oh well, he turned out pretty good ^_^
SinisterVin (2-6-2002, 4:2:58, Email): and yet another kitty... does it ever end? lol try to make a cat girl more of a cat girl... lol can't see how that would be possible
EDPTgirl (2-6-2002, 12:38:57): cool!!!! he's just sooo....huggable!!!! ...anyways...yea, bye
LINDSEY (2-6-2002, 18:39:45): I wish I were as good as you at drawing cats! KAWAII PIC!!