LINDSEY (17-6-2002, 19:19:32): Hi everyone! I couldn't get on Oekaki because something was wrong. Everytime I tried to get on the screen would say, 'Page Could Not Be Displayed'.Anyway i'm glad Oekaki is up again. I just tuened 15 on the 11th YAY! Anyway I hope you like the pic! Please give me some ideas!
kyllir (17-6-2002, 21:21:39, Email, Website): *takes deep breath* HAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! ^_^ great pic ^_^ I've missed seeing your art since the board became evil and disappeared great job ^_^ I gotta draw Noa again for ya, that was fun!