1024362945 - Oekaki Art 31

kyllir (17-6-2002, 21:18:42, Email, Website):
its a frieza kitty!!! doesnt he look evil? hehehe, I made the ears a little big, he almost looks like a mouse ^_^;;; I'm glad this board is working again, I was forced to work on a super-classy board where they deleted all my pictures 'cause they werent up to thier 'standard'... those were decent pics too! oh well, its good to be back ^_^

LINDSEY (18-6-2002, 15:25:23):
Hey it's great to see your art again! Freeza looks both evil and kawaii! Say, could you draw a Noa kitty?PLEASE?????

EDPTgirl (7-7-2002, 12:28:33):
OMG!!! a frieza kitty, thats SO hilarious!!! it looks sooo menacing, it's lik
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