1024893434 - Oekaki Art 32

EDPTgirl (24-6-2002, 0:40:24, Email):
it's another Trunku (goku/Trunks fusion) except he's not Super-saiyan this time...eheh. Now, for the plot:poor, innocent Pikachu was young and too ignorant to know that stealing a Saiyan's food will have very devastating consequesnces...hmn...i think I'll let YOU come up with an ending to this one...plz dont get mad at me! its all in good fun!

Lisuka (24-6-2002, 0:48:15, Email, Website):
He's so sexy!!! **; *Is blinded by hottness*
And...erm...I think Pika-pal DIES! Bwahaha!


SinisterVin (24-6-2002, 3:30:56,
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