1027648690 - Oekaki Art 36

Magi (25-7-2002, 22:1:23):
No Humen are.

That's a joke, remember parasite eve?

logics (26-7-2002, 0:55:44, Email, Website):
I'm speechless...

SinisterVin (26-7-2002, 1:0:51, Email):
don't know what its about but it looks really kool nice stuff

Jade (26-7-2002, 3:59:32, Email):
The colours and perspective is gorgeous o.O

LINDSEY (26-7-2002, 15:54:20):
It does look like something from parasite eve, even though I'v never really played the game. The colors are so brilliant! Nice glowey colors!
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