1028312754 - Oekaki Art 36

Shinji-kun (2-8-2002, 14:28:40, Email, Website):
Ur... um... this is the big headed Shinji. One of THE BIG HEADED Shinjis in the world. He's tri-lingual. He can speak Thai, English, and Japanese. He's also bi-sexual and promiscuous. Look at that little pure little innocent face... :) I want to try to make my Shinji as original as possible. What other things should I think off guys? Anyway... I made his head too big...

EDPTgirl (2-8-2002, 21:50:45):
ooo...kooky! cool i like the eyes and the hair and, OH BOY, the background sincerely kicks...erm...cans? very cool...ahh, the heads not THAT big. I mean...compared to roly poly oly, its the perfect siz
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