1028489512 - Oekaki Art 37

LINDSEY (4-8-2002, 15:41:15):
Here's a Noa manga strip for you! I just felt like drawing something for you guys to read. I'm going to Escondito in San Diego the day after tommorrow and I won't be back 'til saturday (Half a week with no Oekaki! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! =( *Ahem* Anyways about the pic. Noa and Pixie are in the forset looking for something rare. They've been there since 8:00.As Pixie says it's time to go, Noa starts glowing and her eyes become glassy. Pixie tries talking to her but it's no good.Then Pixie get's worried. Really worried. Hope you like it!

EDPTgirl (4-8-2002, 22:28:57, Email, Website):
Darn, you're good at drawing manga stuff and st
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