Aqua Dragon (22-9-2002, 13:17:0): This Is a Charicter On a story I'v been working on. Unfortunatly this picky dosen't compar to som watercolores i have of her...So when i get my pagie working all of you people need to go and worship her..BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!(breath,caugh) Kidding.
SpiritDragon (22-9-2002, 13:36:38): Ohhh big jacket. Hehe. I want my character! Arg! Draw draw. I'm okay. Yep. Just tired. Hehe. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
LINDSEY (22-9-2002, 14:31:33): oohhh! I like how the jaket looks real! hee hee I refuse to worship her! bwahahahaha LOL ( cool pic though)
Trevor (24-9-2002, 2:7:55, Email): holy crap >O_O< that's amazing *drools* great character*dro