1039901368 - Oekaki Art 43

edpt (14-12-2002, 16:32:10):
hoo boy...i had to do ALOT of smoking to get this effect....j/k...yea, got the idea from *dramatic pause* YOU! *points accusingly at Lindsey* anyway...yea...thought i'd try the dreamy effect too. obviously i still have a ways to go before i get it right. anyway, just came back from the magnet fair, got to hang out with a few of my buddies, i had a blast...so I'm happy...yay...

LINDSEY (15-12-2002, 17:28:4):
Tee hee glad you liked the idea! Nice pic! Utena w/ blue hair and brown eyes! What's with the flying yoyo?

edpt (15-12-2002, 19:55:56):
'tis not utena, grasshoppa

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