kyllir (18-12-2002, 23:33:31, Email, Website): This is my first ever picture of Inuyasha, I hope it turned out ok, I think it looks pretty good for my first pic of him... This is for EDPT because she guessed the thingy first ^_^
LINDSEY (19-12-2002, 18:58:32): Hey where's mine?! LOL just kidding! Great inu Yasha pic! I love the pose! Best anime show there is!
SinisterVin (20-12-2002, 3:17:42, Email): interesting.. purple hair kitty girl :P and shes in a cat pose lol kool :P
kyllir (20-12-2002, 19:22:35): o_0;;; *wonders if she should take SV's comment as a defeat