1040678170 - Oekaki Art 45

Picasso (23-12-2002, 16:21:28):
I love you Dark Mistress. This symbolizes my inner soul even thogh I am a guy. It depicts necessary human feelings and human nature that cultivates the angst of war.

Dark Princess (23-12-2002, 16:26:56):
I like your cool fingers

DM (23-12-2002, 16:27:53):
your words are so neat how did your do that?

Piccasso (23-12-2002, 16:32:54):
Are both of you dark mistress? yes well the bent fingers symbolize her bent opinion and bent emotins which block her vision. And for the words.......I Drawed them.

Picasso (23-12-2002, 16:39:16):
By the way, you spelled mistress wrong.

Dark Mistress (23-12-2002, 16:42:46):
and YOU spelled Piccasso wrong

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