1040697680 - Oekaki Art 45

Kima (23-12-2002, 21:42:13):
Kinda sucks.I dunno if it's her boyfriend or a random guy!XD

LINDSEY (24-12-2002, 15:51:9):
It's actuaslly kind of cute!

josh (24-12-2002, 16:21:18):
it sucks dick

edpt (24-12-2002, 17:27:46):
well, i'd HOPE it's a boyfriend. anyway...next time, please add a background. it looks kind of akward just floating in midair like that. anyway, cute pic... ^__^;; they sure look happy... (josh, ditto what I said last time. though now we know what's on your mind all of the time.)

Brutally Honestman (27-12-2002, 22:19:48):
Yeah, Josh is right. It's not very good.

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