1041209245 - Oekaki Art 45

Yoshi (29-12-2002, 19:49:6, Email, Website):
Just gettin' a little sketchy. Trying it out. Have you ever felt so mad that you scratched your own face?

Spirit Dragon (29-12-2002, 20:33:26):
Poor Sora. Never done that though, no. Books are fun to through though, and much less violent. I need to go play that game now.

Spirit Dragon (29-12-2002, 20:35:15):
Good picture by the way very detailed. I like the way it is shaded. Eerie.

Aqua Dragon (29-12-2002, 20:41:11):
MAN....Sora seams to be having a bad week. And No I'v never done somthing like that eather.... I Through books, punch walls...or my brother. Nop never
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