LINDSEY (5-1-2003, 16:41:22): This is my new elfy boy character, but he needs a name! help me out? Please? Hope you like it!
edpt (5-1-2003, 19:52:59): he reminds me of mamiya XD. HE'S SOOOOO CUTE!--AND HUGGABLE--AND-- on to the names...ok, this guy needs a GOOD name. a REALLY good one. unfortunately, all I can come up with are: Irving, Ace, Aiken, Asher, Calder, Cavan, Marik, and Marion. lol. ahh well. there's no name to match his coolness. good luck.
Rabbit Girl (6-1-2003, 3:9:33, Email): how about Aiden? or Jackson? or Tristan?