LINDSEY (6-1-2003, 21:9:34): Name:Aiden! Thankies for the names! Very good names, in fact! Okay, info: Aiden is the quiet type, he likes pretty girls (i.e. Noa ^-^ but she already likes someone) He lives in Kyina, a village in the mountains. He is on a quest to find the most valuable treasure known to man! Has a mild temper, kind, only helps someone if they are willing to pay, (later learns to help out anyway even if the people he helps don't pay) Best friend is Roan, a cat/dragon hybrid wo is very troublemaking. Hope you like it!
kyllir (6-1-2003, 22:29:38): ooooh... nice ^_^ me likes! I gots a character named Aiden also, I think I'ma draw him for you with one of his kitty friends!
LINDSEY (7-1-2003, 19:24:7): You have a character named Aiden t