BWMAN!! (16-1-2003, 17:26:45): HeYhEyHeY cHeCk It OuT. nOw It'S aN oFf-KiNd Of B&W. i'M dEfEaTiNg My OwN pUrPoSe. SiGh.
LINDSEY (16-1-2003, 20:1:44): I have no idea what's going on here,lol, but I will say nice pic!
Rabbit Girl (17-1-2003, 6:59:56, Email, Website): Very nice. It looks like someone with dark wings is hugging someone with light wings....holding him halfway in the dark. I think it's very cool, no matter what the pic is meant to be.
squonjon (17-1-2003, 7:20:12): a bit like kamui and.... kamui.......
kyllir (17-1-2003, 20:29:26): kinda reminds me of chihaya and kagetsuya... goo