squonjon (24-1-2003, 7:53:49, Email, Website): hi again everyone. this kind of went wrong. never mind.
Blu (24-1-2003, 8:10:57): Eye new eyes were popular thats wheye eye drew one. Anyway eye really leyek your pic. Eye think the blu hair really compliments the eye. Also eye see where you worked in extra colors in to the eye its self. Cool pic
edpt (24-1-2003, 10:3:51): This is...like...transparent hair heaven. lol. AWESOME JOB, YOU RULE!!! dudedudedudedudedude, this is a GROUND-BREAKING EYE! very kewl x the mobius strip-style infinity XD . Truly...wonky...
LINDSEY (24-1-2003, 21:58:54): Ghaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! That's the