edpt (25-1-2003, 23:29:27): Just wondering what the Utena cast would look like if they got turned into jellybeans. Kudos to my brother for the inspiration. Now, I'm sure my fellow Utena freaks out there are wondering "Where's Anthy?" Well, the answer to that is simple:I didn't have enough room for her, and MAKING room would make the composition even worse than it already is. And for the flaming Shiori, Kanae, Nanami, Migake, etc fans out there...same thing XD. Anyway, knowing Anthy, she's probably the one who turned them into jellybeans in the first place. Kozue DOES rock, as well. It's painfully obvious that she rocks...even more that Shiori. I like Kozue and so should you. Hug a Kozue today.
kyllir (26-1-2003, 4:52:23): mmmm.... jellybeans....