1043885366 - Oekaki Art 48

edpt (29-1-2003, 19:11:57):
kinda inspired by kyllir's centaur. random thought #5 . If anyone here wants to know what 'que tontos, que locos' means, then just ask. Unless you have the amazing Spanish-speaking power. ja.

Tashii (29-1-2003, 23:46:49):
o o; Great pic~!.. and I know "locos" has something to do with crazy, right? o__x;.. *wild guess*

Trevor (30-1-2003, 1:19:24):
holy!!!! thats.....wow love her hair, and no i have no idea what that means :P, i love pink hair >O_O<

Trevor (30-1-2003, 1:20:16):
holy!!!! thats.....wow love her hair, and no i have no idea what that means :P, i love pink hair >O_O<

edpt (30-1-2003, 16:30:12):
it means 'how stupid, how crazy'. i can't believe this pic is alre
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