1045359116 - Oekaki Art 49

Mehri (15-2-2003, 20:32:49, Email):
*points* look look MOOON!!! hehe.. beautiful moon!! and beautiful vampierish wolfish head

Yoshi (16-2-2003, 0:57:8, Email, Website):
Favorite Aspect: The moon.
Why?: It's a beautiful color. I like the fog or clouds around it (I think that they are clouds or fog). :) Very pretty! That wolf scares me though.

LINDSEY (16-2-2003, 1:50:19):
Ooooooohhhh! I love the moon! It captures the whole mood of the picture! I like alot! And the fog is very well done! Wish I could do that...

Mehri (16-2-2003, 22:28:26, Back to Oekaki Art 49 ]