1045900257 - Oekaki Art 50

Andy Yuan (22-2-2003, 2:54:26, Email, Website):
As I put this in, it's almost 3 AM. Seems like someone's got something on her mind. 'What is it?' No one knows.

DizzyDude (22-2-2003, 9:31:2):
she looks quite a'bit like a panda o_O'
PANDA!!!! ^o^

LINDSEY (22-2-2003, 18:32:31):
y'know, concedering she is a catgirl, she does look a little like a panda.. ANYWAY...Cute pic! Who is on her mind? Her crush? Boyfriend?

edpt (23-2-2003, 0:31:42):
she HAS TO BE a freakin' panda!!!! ...with purple hair...*ahem* eyeshift.

Andy Yuan (23-2-2003, 17:30:30, E
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