Dwagon (12-3-2003, 0:10:7): Tribal girl again. Makes ya wonder what she really looks like before she gets into tribal mode, doesn't it?
Blu (12-3-2003, 13:45:14): Hmmmm....If only I could take a peek at this blu skinned tribal girl. Blu skin is very kool. I have a request for a mask....how bout a cheetah mask that would be kool. Very kool pic. BTW dont let the haters out there get to you if you do then they have won
LINDSEY (12-3-2003, 19:55:49): Draw her without her mask! I wanna see her face! Blue is a cool color (It's my fav.) That's Nice mask, too! I espessially like the arm and wrist peices! Nice pic!
edpt (12-3-2003, 21:32:30): woo, close-up this time! i'm beginning to get scared of what's under that mask... O__o' ...ho