AquaDragon (29-3-2003, 14:23:30): Its been a whil sence I've drawn here. I'm sad I couldn't finish my picki though. She was going to be a Witch from Harry Potter. . .oh well (tear)
(29-3-2003, 18:37:48): Shame you couldn't finish it, this is a nice start. It has its own elegance as is, though. The body's nicely portrayed, though her upper leg looks a little thick. Nice work otherwise, though. That hand rulez.
Sternhexe (29-3-2003, 19:5:51): It is pretty so far. You could take it and finish it on photoshop if you have time. I can't tell what the background is supossed to be though. Harry Potter is the best, I can't wait for the next book.
edpt (30-3-2003, 9:56:33): She really does look elegant. With a great posture and dis