1049444011 - Oekaki Art 54

Sakura (4-4-2003, 3:14:21):
Uh, yeah.

Dwagon (4-4-2003, 5:2:5, Email):
Sakura! this is adorable! the exprestion on her face, it's almost lazy! lol good work!

edpt (4-4-2003, 17:33:11):
Technically, this should be a good composition. But something looks off about it. There's too much negative space in the upper lefthand corner. You should have done a fade out or put a signature or something there to balance it out. That's the only real problem I see with it. But nice character. She's funny.

Jordi (7-4-2003, 18:8:51):
Negative space? PUH-LEAZE! The only negative space here is between your ears! Sure, it could use a background, but so does half the pictures on the
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