1049532630 - Oekaki Art 54

Dwagon (5-4-2003, 3:51:52, Email):
aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! 2 am and this is what i drew!! Creepy lil girl wiht evil looking doll thing! hehehehheheeeeee... need a tribal girl one like this! lol

edpt (5-4-2003, 19:12:19):
gamie. gaymy. gaimee. red blobs rule over the little girls. distorted shadows tell stories no-one should know. and that is one HUGE-ASS window. cool beans.

Dwagon (5-4-2003, 22:4:54):
ooooooold mansion wiht huuuuuge window! and forgot shading on ebil dolly...

LINDSEY (6-4-2003, 3:56:15):
She reminds me a little of Anita in Darkstalkers. this pic gives me the thought that the doll is controlling her, since it has the evil eyes and smile.... Very creep
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