KiDo-CHaN (9-4-2003, 20:13:25, Email): It's Sara again. you can tell I didn't put much effort into the background @_@ my hand hurt I wanted to finish it..
chrissy (10-4-2003, 1:58:32): that's awesome. sorta reminds me of eva
edpt (10-4-2003, 7:55:42): Haunting pic. Whoo. Fantastic job. Everything's great, especially your talent XD (...yeah, that's getting old...) Spectacular work, kudos to you.
Anders.. (10-4-2003, 8:52:58, Email, Website): Great! damn you'r talented! :P i agree with the one above me, the suit does remind me a bit of the evangelion.
S. Kni